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ACGSEP Sharing: Investment Banking and Auditing Sharing - 26 Oct 2023 (Thu)






10月26日, 嘉賓呂震先生與同學們分享了投行和審計的相關工作內容,並且教了學生一些面試的技巧方式,對於投行和審計的細分內容進行了介紹。張玥教授及韓鵬教授和呂先生進行了探討交流,並向呂先生贈送了嶺南大學會計系的紀念品。


Introduction of Event:

On October 26th, our guest speaker Mr. LYU Zhen Jaden shared with students the working experience related to investment banking and auditing. He taught students some interview skills and introduced the subdivisions of investment banking and auditing. Professor ZHANG Yue and Professor HAN Peng Helen discussed and exchanged ideas with Jaden, and presented him with a souvenir from the Department of Accountancy.